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I am writing regarding a fine young man whom I wholeheartedly recommend to you. I have known Andrew Ayers for over five years and have been impressed with his passion for the Lord and for his talent and skills regarding technical work, especially in the area of lighting and audio. Andrew has been an invaluable resource to us. He has an excellent record of achieving results through his dedication, determination, and dependability. He has, repeatedly been my “go to” guy when we have had a challenge or need trustworthy advice. Andrew is a well-rounded professional with excellent people skills. It will be a blessed organization that gives him the opportunity to demonstrate his talents.


Terry McLeod

Minister of Music


It is my privilege to write this letter of reference for Andrew Ayers. Andrew worked with our ministry as a Summer Intern and as Contract Help on an event basis. He has worked with us over the last 3 years and has returned as needed throughout that time. Andrew has some great gifts with lighting that have made him a valuable member of our team.


Our ministry works to support business, teaching, youth and evangelism meetings of non- profits. Our client list is quite diverse and represents work across a broad spectrum of budgets and facilities. We travel the country helping produce events in hotels, convention centers, and fairgrounds. We support more than 50 events a year. Of these events about 15 utilize a high-end lighting show that is similar to what Andrew has helped us create over the years.


During Andrew’s internship we pushed him in a variety of ways to learn more about our work than just the lighting. Andrew picked up the basics of video and audio very quickly. It was with lighting however, that he had the best skill set and the most creativity. After demonstrating his strengths in this area we have come to depend on Andrew to handle complex lighting needs including fixed, moving, and color wash fixtures. His knowledge of fixtures and boards from his education served him well with our team.

One particular story was where he hung, aimed and ran a show for a Contemporary Christian Drama Team. They had some specific requests that had to be covered with individuals light “splotches” as they liked to call them across the stage. They would jump from place to place changing colors. Andrew took great care to aim our fixed lights to cover these spots. Then he did a great job adding to what they wanted by using our moving and color wash lights to help show the jump in characters as they moved on the stage.


I believe Andrew to be a creative and effective lighting designer who could work with a variety of groups in a professional manner. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions

David Wood

GNTV Media Ministry 

It is my great pleasure to recommend Andrew Ayers. For about ten years, I have known Andrew Ayers as a friend, assistant, and colleague. He is very experienced in many areas of production to include: stage lighting, sound, design/installation, event planning, as well as other strengths. In addition to his great experience, he has good interpersonal skills that help him to work closely with and lead groups of people. Andrew has always had a very strong work ethic and is diligent in his duties. He pursues excellence in his work and considers others before himself.


I have no reservations to recommend Andrew Ayers for your position. He is a man of integrity, faith, & friendship. If I can assist you with additional information, please feel free to reach me for any further assistance.

Judd Greer

Minister of Music & Administration

I am happy to recommend Andrew Ayers to you.  I have knows Andrew for nearly ten years. I have found him competent, skilled, patient and dedicated. I have worked with Andrew both in the secular media and entertainment world as well as in the church world when I served as a Media and Technology Pastor at a large church.  Andrew has a leadership quality about him that makes him easy to follow and easy to understand. His technical abilities in the areas of lighting and lighting design are unmatched. You would benefit tremendously by having his as an employee. 

Donald A DePew, Jr

President, CTS Florida 

(Thank you)  For lending your talents, skills and passion to help make the GrandMA2 Workshops an incredibly productive discussion that helped shape future training and productivity throughout all four parks. I look forward to seeing these workshops teach and guide our new technicians for future generations.

- Holly C.

Walt Disney World

Andrew, Thank you for all of your hard work during the Disney Dreamers Academy weekend! Your teamwork helped make the weekend into a successful and amazing event for the 100+ young Dreamers in attendance. Thank you!

- Sarah H.

Walt Disney World

Taking the time and, as a good Facilitator should, making sure all the Lighting Class attendees who were lagging behind were kept up to speed so that by the end of the class, everyone was able to leave the class with valuable information and a sense of pride, knowing they now have the tools to get the job done. Very good work Andrew.

- Helena D.

Walt Disney World

Thank you for taking such a strong initiative, and for contributing so many great ideas on the PWC event!

- Michael F.

Walt Disney World

Thank you for owning the reception set up portion of the AAR wedding. It was great knowing that you were taking care of the 9-piece band and a high-maintenance band provided sound person while I was handling the Ceremony portions over at the Boardwalk. You made it a seamless transition for the Guests as well as safe for our cast. Thank you!

- Andrew M.

Walt Disney World

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